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Sunday 18 September 2011

Vidin to Romania then back to Bulgaria then Romania

Decided to take the Romanian side of the Danube as its pretty well flat unlike Bulgaria which is one hill after another. So....another ferry for us alongside all the lorries.
Romania was obviously even poorer than Bulgaria, quite medieval in fact with every fourth vehicle being a horse and cart!
Most people have been really friendly with smiles and waves as we pass and the kids running over to high five :-)
The village we were heading for (Bechet) ended up having no accommodation, the next being 30 miles further (already having done 68m) so we decided to cross back to Bulgaria...just another 2 miles but with a sharp hill to the village. The ferry is again largely used by lorries and the weight meant it took about half an hour to get the bows off the bottom!!!
After 70 hot miles with a headwind the evening beers went down easily
Today back across the Danube and just 30 miles to Corabia and a half reasonable but overpriced hotel by the river.
Each days mileage is now very much controlled by the availability of somewhere to stay.
Surprisingly we have had no trouble with wild dogs here....yet, and they do have a really bad reputation. We are armed with stones and in case of serious attack pepper spray but it would be nice to be binning those unused before we set off home.
Note the handy toilet arrangement ....presumably designed for speed and efficiency..one can sit on the toilet whilst cleaning the teeth :-D


martin donaldson said...

Hope the wild dogs and vampires give you a free passage

Peter Manning said...

Nearing the end of this great journey. and the best you can do is a picture of a bathroom! You may have moved from affluence to effluence but really!!!
Seriously have enjoyed your blogs. Enjoy the last 300 miles or so