About Me

Tuesday 6 September 2011

2000 miles

Last night was at a small village Fajsz in a small one bedroom and kitchen 'tourist hotel' ...had to phone the number on the gate and edit for the proprietor to arrive...difficult as she didn't speak a word of English!
We decided that on this leg of the trip camping was unlikely as sites are few and far between and the cheap price of pension's (we're told as little as £2 each with breakfast) that we'd post most of the gear home. A trip to the local Co op you scrounge a big enough box, string and sticky tape then to the post office with a 10 kilo parcel..£30 so not too bad if we ever see it again of course! ......and now my bike feels like a greyhound! (Well a dachshund anyway).
Bumped into the first few tourists in a few days...the nice thing about touring a little out of the way is that everyone stops for a chat and to swap notes...was the same in Norway and Sweden last spring. We met a nice guy called Nick Thorpe the Budapest BBC correspondent who was riding ad part of his book research on the people of the Danube.
Tonight in a pleasant guest house in Mohacs ....tomorrow Croatia.

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