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Saturday, 10 September 2011


Another day of busy roads, rough tracks and very tough tracks made for hard going at times! Serbs seem very friendly an example of which was the girl in our pizza lunch stop sharing her chocolate, knocking money off the bill an insisting on washing and filling our water bottles.
Last night in Beska (a small village) was £11 each for a clean on suite room and an excellent meal with drinks £5. Half a litre of good. Bottled lager £0.74. Not bad eh?
Today heading for Belgrade...

Martin you are right hill are supposed to be less than 6% and the roads less than 1000 vehicles a day but I think they must think its 1000 an hour!

Marie Joe yes I mixed up the distance we have covered 2150 m now.

Picture is of the Austrian fort at Novice Sad built to keep the Turks at bay.

1 comment:

Clive said...

Hi Andy - it seems you will do anything to avoid a CER ride! - very impressive stamina (inc the gastric kind) in having to successfully deal with language,road signs, roads and the food. You can come back- the tractors will soon be out cutting the hedges and the lanes are muddying up.

Regards Clive