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Thursday 18 August 2011

Hundersingen and an undignified accident!

48 lovely miles of Danube...and no the folklore isn't true...like all rivers its a muddy green colour with not a trace of blue! Anyway it was all traffic free trails through a gorge with cliff top forts at intervals...fantastic and as usual great on a bike.

We know we are heading for Pulmonary and then Passau but as we haven't found any German maps yet we feel a little vague on where we are in relation to the rest of Europe!

Close to the end of the day I was stopped at a junction one foot down waiting for Carol (not unusual) when I was suddenly hit from behind and pinned to the ground by an ample (in all the wrong places or I mightn't have cared) 20 stone German woman. I still astride my bike and totally unable to move and her and her bike on top of me....The lady being angled down from the pavement couldn't move either but fortunately several of her friends risked hernia and serious back trauma and pulled her free!! Much to Carol's amusement apparently. Luck has it that no serious damage was done...although its likely I will need counseling!!


Anonymous said...

Andy, you have given me the best laugh of the day! Just hope Carol had the camera handy to immortalise this! (seriously though, I am glad you are OK !)
Love to you both

Graham Nolan said...

I wondered how long it would be before you made an excuse to get underneath a big German woman.Really in public as well !!

Anonymous said...

If she didn't sing, it's not over!


Peter Manning said...

Lucky Man, only 20 stone. German ladies are very fond of their food especially full fat confectionery as my mum found with an equally large and friendly German neighbour who used ply us with such goodies on a regular basis. I can see that enjoying yourselves so much you may be reluctant to return home. Cycling to Preston and back should be no problem!