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Sunday 28 August 2011


Friday saw us catching the 0900 cruise ferry to Linz, and very nice it was too with most of the lower deck being an expensive looking restaurant. The views from the top deck were fantastic as the river wound its way through a range of steep sided wooded hills...hot though at about 36 but an easier alternative to cycling in that temperature. At just over £20 each for the 5 he trip it was great value too.

Linz has an attractive city centre and was worth a look before cycling a few k east to it's campsite. Like Germany the Austrian sites are reasonable but not a patch on France in frequency or quality.


Big change in weather today...cloudy and cool with torrential rain, wind and thunderstorms in the evening. Stopped in a small town called Ybbs on the side of the Danube. Zimmer for £21 each including breakfast and glad not to be camping in all that rain. Cycle facilities, tracks, signs and motorists don't seem anything like as good as Germany.

Its to be seen if our plastic money is accepted in Austria....many places in Germany refuse anything with Visa or MasterCard on it even debit or pre topped up Euro cards....so a pocket full of cash is essential! France was easy and was happy to relieve us of our cash by any means possible :-)

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