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Saturday 30 July 2011

Montlouis East of Tours 52m 291m for week.

Easy flat cycling surprisingly varied for a softies route in the Loire. Relatively unbusy so a pleasant day...tomorrow a rest as despite the gentle terrain these old legs need to get accustomed to moving 65lbs...a bit different to the Easy Riders Thursday runs on our lightweight machines! ...Carols nagging me about the spelling..must be the predictive on this phone!
Just realised that as the Loire flows downhill (obviously) the first 800 mile or so must be uphill!!! That's some uphill!
Through Tours today...an hour of a city was quite enough...but the Town Hall was a treat...no moving to glass faceless offices like Chester.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blog looking good Andy. Enjoying the updates. You may be the proud owner of turbo thighs on your return! The Duffys!